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Earth Ponies

Generation 1

This is a test paragraph about G1 earth ponies. Some of them have powers and stuff on their cards, but in the cartoons they do not. Shady says that they are good at jumping, except her because she sucks. G1 earth ponies are cute though, and may or may not have powers in like the comics and stuff? Unclear. Oh, and they are the mane race in Tales, for some reason.

Generation 2

Now we are swapping the picture and text, ooh, fancy! I still need to implement different images, don't know how to do that. huh.

Generation 3

Blah Blah this is where G3 info will go etc.

Generation 4

Blah Blah this is where G4 info will go etc.

Generation 5

Blah Blah this is where G5 info will go etc.